Welcome, friend.
My name is Deborah and I'm your soulful online business mentor. I'm inching towards two decades of experience as a successful entrepreneur operating in the online space.
I've spent the past 16 years serving my community as a holistic nutrition coach, online business mentor and marketing consultant.
This past year I added "podcast host" to my long list of titles (which also includes "event producer, course creator, gardener, loving wife, songwriter, nature-lover, world traveler and world's greatest apple pie maker"*).
I love helping my clients discover how tiny, (atomic) habits, including even the simplest shift in our mindset, can lead to a life of health and wealth beyond our own imaginations.
Currently my mission is to help 1,000 women solopreneurs with the "techie stuff" so they don't get stuck in overwhelm or mired in the digital trenches and can focus on brining their genius business ideas to their communities.
I hope you'll join me.
*This self-appointed title of Best Apple Pie is subjective and can not be proved, but basically, wait til you try my apple pie.

“Deborah helped me understand the big picture of my marketing plan and how to craft the right offer for my audience. I couldn't have launched my program without her!”
Caroline B.
How it started...
In my early career, I worked my way up to Director of Communications for several large-scale arts non-profits in NYC. I studied branding, marketing and event production and helped grow their audiences and ticket sales for exponentially from 2000 - 2006.
In my late 20's, I felt called to do something bigger.
I earned a degree in holistic health coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2006 and opened NYC's first-ever vegan mobile food truck (a rolling juice bar!) and catering company, one year later.
I've had the privilege of serving thousands of busy New Yorkers, premiere brands, not-for-profit companies, and celebrity entertainers through holistic programs, healthy lifestyle events and and damn-good plant-based food services.
The success of my first business - a thriving city-wide community and multi-6-figure company - was built on simple email marketing strategies and free internet tools that I had seen work well for my former employers.
In 2020, I closed shop on the juice bar and pivoted to supporting my community virtually (because, pandemic).
There was more of a need than ever for folks to learn online marketing and the simple tools of the internet to stay connected, survive, and grow.

How it's going...
In 2021, I packaged up my knowledge of plant-based nutrition into 3 digital courses and one recipe e-book. I wanted to preserve the legacy of what we had accomplished and continue to support people's health while pivoting in a new direction.
I knew that online business was only going to grow exponentially and created a monthly coaching program to help women entrepreneurs take their products and services online.
I rebranded my offers and website to share my background in digital marketing and highlight my success with digital assets and sales and began mentoring other women in the online space.
In 2023, I created my signature group coaching program, Mindset to Market, to help solopreneurs design their list-building and sales funnels, while taking the soulful and authentic path to personal and financial growth.
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